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Salesforce Testing Types and Their Application in Various scenarios

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Salesforce Testing Types

Every company that uses Salesforce implementation in their application needs to conduct Salesforce testing to ensure that all customization and features work as expected. Salesforce offers many impressive features that can help you manage your relationship and better connect with your customers. However, the integration could produce less than desired results if there are defects, bugs, or errors during deployment. It may even affect the user experience and the application’s overall functionality.

With Salesforce testing, you can ensure that the application works correctly and meets the needs of the application. You could do this manually or through automation testing. However, manual testing is tedious and relies solely on the skills and expertise of the testers. It could be unreliable, and there could be mistakes. On the other hand, automation testing leaves most of the testing duties to software. It utilizes automation tools, a testing framework, continuous integration servers, and a testing environment to check for bugs within the application.

Automated testing offers a very effective way to uncover code-level and configuration bugs in the application. It offers the advantages of faster testing, lesser time, increased efficiency, and enhanced coverage.

However, before testing begins, the testing team develops the Salesforce testing strategy.

What is Salesforce Testing Strategy?

The Salesforce testing strategy is a plan that defines the testing process based on the goals and objectives of the project, as well as the methods and tools that will be used.  It outlines the testing scope, the testing type, the necessary resources and tools, and the testing schedule. A well-defined Salesforce testing strategy can spur the testing team toward an optimal outcome that reflects the project’s goals.

Types of Salesforce Testing

There are various types of Salesforce testing, each with its own specific purpose. However, they all have the same objective of improving the overall quality and reliability of the application. Some of them are listed below.

Unit Testing

This Salesforce testing focuses on the individual units or components in the application, such as the classes or methods. It tests the specific, discrete functionalities of the Salesforce integration. For instance, if the development team performed the implementation in small, incremental units. This testing is the best way to check for bugs and defects.

Unit testing can help the testing teams easily debug their codes. The simplicity of unit testing makes it ideal for testing a system that has already been deployed with customized functionality or a new update to the code because there aren’t a lot of dependencies.

System Testing

Unlike unit testing, which checks specific units of the Salesforce integration, system testing reviews the entire Salesforce application, from start to finish, including all of its components and integrations. It reviews the application to check problems with the system’s automation rules, such as validation, workflow, and assignment. It also measures the system’s performance, scalability, reliability, and other vital features.

System testing helps the testing team to ensure that integration works perfectly and meets the ends of the business.

User Acceptance Testing

User acceptance testing reviews the application from the perspective of the user. It is performed close to the end of the development process. In this test, the testing team assigns a select group of users to test the application to get feedback about the application’s user experience. The reviews from the users inform the testing team about the usability and functionality of the application. This helps them to identify and address any issues or bugs.

Performance Testing

This test measures the performance of the Salesforce application based on different criteria such as speed, reliability, and scalability. In this test, the testers also check the application’s response, resource utilization, and overall performance under varying load or stress conditions. The test results help the testers identify defects so they can discover ways to improve the quality and performance of the application.

Security Testing

Security testing is a crucial part of the software development process. It analyzes the security features of the Salesforce application, such as application authentication, authorization mechanism, access control, and data protection measures. It ensures that it is protected from potential threats such as malware, security breaches, or hackers.

Regression Testing

Regression testing is a type of Salesforce testing that reviews the effects of changes or modifications to the existing code. It checks that the changes and updates do not compromise the effectiveness of the application. This helps the testing team to ensure that no errors or defects were introduced during the update.

There are three approaches to regression testing: selective regression testing, complete regression testing, and automated regression testing. Selective regression testing covers only the areas where the changes were made; complete regression testing covers the entire application to check that there are no defects throughout the application; and automated regression testing involves using automated testing tools to perform the regression tests.

Integration/ API Testing

This test evaluates the integration of the different units and components of the Salesforce application with other systems such as databases, external application programming interfaces (APIs), or web services. It reviews the different features of Salesforce modules, including sales, customer service, digital workflows, and marketing, to ensure that no issues slipped through during the earlier tests.

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